
Magyar szerzők művei

  • The Blonde Hurricane * Új Kiadás (A Szőke Ciklon - Angol)

    The Blonde Hurricane * Új Kiadás (A Szőke Ciklon - Angol)

    Rejtő Jenő
    Kiadó: Corvina
    A Szőke ciklon Rejtő Jenő groteszk detektívregény paródiáinak egyik legjobb darabja. A szerelmi történetet és a krimit elragadóan kombináló mű cselekménye egy Buddha-szobrocska utáni kutatás kalandjait meséli el. A szobor belsejében található egymilliófontot érő gyémántot, az elhalálozott börtöntöltelék, Jim Hogan örökségét, egy fergeteges iramú, Angliától a Szaharáig tartó hajszában többen is szeretnék megkaparintani. A regény angol nyelvű változata ötödik alkalommal jelenik meg a Corvina Kiadónál.Jenő Rejtő was a journalist, prolific author of cabaret skits, and the steadfast practitioner of comic thrillers with unforgettable characters and one-liners that together have become part and parcel of Hungarian literary folklore. Delightfully grotesqueparodies of the detective novels that had their heyday at the time, Rejtő wrote most of his books in the 1930s under the penname of P. Howard.The Blonde Hurricane is one of the best of the lot. A combination of thriller and love story, it centres around the race to find a priceless family jewel concealed in a statuette of Buddha that an international band of crooks are after - and so is MissEvelyn Weston, the Blonde Hurricane, and without her knowledge, Eddy Rancing, who is in love with her, plus a host of others.Everyone is being pursued as well as pursuing everyone else, from England to the African desert and back. Meanwhile, the humour comes pouring out of Rejtő's pen as fast and furious as it did from his famous contemporary P. G. Wodehouse.
    ISBN: 9789631364286
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    3 490 Ft

    2 967 Ft(15%)

  • Be Glad It's A Boy *

    Be Glad It's A Boy *

    Janikovszky Éva
    Kiadó: Móra Kiadó
    Some things you feel before they happen. Especially when you¥re expecting a baby. I wasn't interested in what it would be, because I knew that it could only be a boy. But when I heard that I really truly was a mummy, and I had a baby girl, it neverentered my head that I¥d been expecting a boy, I was just so happy that it was born at last and healthy and when she cried outI knew that only she could be our child, and no-one else. How could it have been a boy when it was a girl?Translated by Andrew C. RouseIllustrated by László Réber
    ISBN: 9789631188332
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    3 499 Ft

    2 974 Ft(15%)

  • Abigail (Pb) (Abigél - Angol) (Translaited By Len Rix)

    Abigail (Pb) (Abigél - Angol) (Translaited By Len Rix)

    Szabó Magda
    Kiadó: Quercus Publishing
    A teenage girl's difficult journey towards adulthood in a time of war.A school story for grownups that is also about our inability or refusal to protect children from history SARAH MOSSOf all Szabo's novels, Abigail deserves the widest readership. It's an adventure story, brilliantly written TIBOR FISCHEROf all her novels, Magda Szabo's Abigail is indeed the most widely read in her native Hungary. Now, fifty years after it was written, it appears for the first time in English, joining Katalin Street and The Door in a loose trilogy about the impact of waron those who have to live with the consequences.It is late 1943 and Hitler, exasperated by the slowness of his Hungarian ally to act on the Jewish question and alarmed by the weakness on his southern flank, is preparing to occupy the country. Foreseeing this, and concerned for his daughter's safety,a Budapest father decides to send her to a boarding school away from the capital.A lively, sophisticated, somewhat spoiled teenager, she is not impressed by the reasons she is given, and when the school turns out to be a fiercely Puritanical one in a provincial city a long way from home, she rebels outright. Her superior attitudeoffends her new classmates and things quickly turn sour.It is the start of a long and bitter learning curve that will open her eyes to her arrogant blindness to other people's true motives and feelings. Exposed for the first time to the realities of life for those less privileged than herself, andincreasingly confronted by evidence of the more sinister purposes of the war, she learns lessons about the nature of loyalty, courage, sacrifice and love.Translated from the Hungarian by Len Rix
    ISBN: 9781681374031
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    9 550 Ft

    8 118 Ft(15%)

  • Casanova In Bolzano (Vendégjáték Bolzanoban - Angol)

    Casanova In Bolzano (Vendégjáték Bolzanoban - Angol)

    Márai Sándor
    Kiadó: Random House Usa Inc
    Another rediscovered masterpiece from the Hungarian novelist whose Embers became an international bestseller--a sensuous, suspenseful, aphoristic novel about the world's most notorious seducer and the encounter that changes him forever. In 1756 GiacomoCasanova escapes from a Venetian prison and resurfaces in the Italian village of Bolzano. Here he receives an unwelcome visitor: the aging but still fearsome Duke of Parma, who years before had defeated Casanova in a duel over a ravishing girl namedFrancesca and spared his life on condition that he never see her again. Now the duke has taken Francesca as his wife--and intercepted a love letter from her to his old rival. Rather than kill Casanova on the spot, he makes him a startling offer, one thatis logical, perverse, and irresistible. Turning an historical episode into a dazzling fictional exploration of the clasp of desire and death, Casanova in Bolzano is further proof that Sándor Márai is one of the most distinctive voices of the twentiethcentury.
    ISBN: 9780375712968
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    5 650 Ft

    4 802 Ft(15%)

  • La Herencia De Eszter

    La Herencia De Eszter

    Márai Sándor
    Kiadó: Salamandra
    Escrita en 1939, tres anos antes de El último encuentro, con la misma prosa depurada y precisa que ha admirado a miles de lectores, esta novela es una pequena joya que merece su lugar entre las mejores obras literarias del siglo XX.Con la placidez y tranquilidad de quien ha sabido adaptarse a lo que la vida le ha deparado, Eszter habita la casa que heredó de su padre en companía de una pariente anciana. Hasta que un día, inesperadamente, recibe un telegrama de Lajos, viejo amigo dela familia, anunciando su inminente visita. Canalla, encantador y sin escrúpulos, con unas magníficas dotes de actor que le confieren un poder de seducción irresistible, Lajos no solo traicionó a Eszter, sino que también destruyó a su familia y les quitótodo lo que poseían, salvo la casa en la que viven, cuyo jardín es su único y escaso medio de subsistencia. Ahora, tras una prolongada ausencia, Lajos regresa y Eszter se prepara para recibirlo conmovida por un torbellino de sentimientos contradictorios.Con la inevitabilidad del destino como eje central de la narración, La herencia de Eszter se desarrolla de una forma totalmente inesperada y paradójica. El vividor y embustero Lajos es un vendaval de vitalidad, alegría y pasión, un hombre que por el merohecho de existir pone en entredicho la solidez de las convenciones morales más arraigadas de la época.Críticas:®Escrita tres anos antes que El último encuentro, esta novela anticipa el modelo: un lugar alejado, un regreso imprevisto, la enigmática irradiación del pasado sobre el presente, la vigilante companía de dos mujeres (allí Nini, aquí Nunu). Se siente queMárai está perfilando, en la suprema nitidez del estilo, la capacidad de transformar una historia en un engranaje de mágica tensión.¯Corriere della sera®Esta novela de Márai lo tiene todo para gustar a quienes admiraron El último encuentro.¯L'Espresso®Márai conoce el ritmo de la historia, es un verdadero maestro del suspense y lleva a la total combustión la contradicción de los sentimientos, además de tener la capacidad de escribir páginas intensas sobre la dialéctica del bien y el mal, sobre lasutil linea que separa el impulso elementario del dominio de los sentimientos.¯Tuttolibri®La herencia de Eszter está a la altura de El último encuentro y consolida a Sándor Márai como el más bello descubrimiento editorial de los últimos tiempos.¯
    ISBN: 9788498383669
    nyelv(ek): spanyol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    5 830 Ft

    4 955 Ft(15%)

  • Métamorphosis D'un Mariage (Judit...És Az Utóhang Francia)

    Márai Sándor
    Kiadó: N/A
    Ilonka, Peter, Judit sont les acteurs d'un meme drame. Chacun a leur tour, ils confient ® leur ¯ histoire comme on décline un r“le. L'épouse amoureuse et trahie. Le mari cédant a la passion. La domestique ambitieuse qui brise le couple.En trois récits-confessions qui cernent au plus prcs
    ISBN: 9782253084471
    nyelv(ek): francia
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    3 960 Ft

    3 366 Ft(15%)

  • Les Dukay

    Les Dukay

    Zilahy Lajos
    Kiadó: Gallimard
    ISBN: 9782070414352
    nyelv(ek): francia
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    5 150 Ft

    4 377 Ft(15%)

  • Celestial Harmonies

    Celestial Harmonies

    Esterházy Péter
    Kiadó: Harper Collins
    The Esterházys, one of Europe's most prominent aristocratic families, are closely linked to the rise and fall of the Hapsburg Empire. Princes, counts, commanders, diplomats, bishops, and patrons of the arts, revered, respected, and occasionally feared bytheir contemporaries, their story is as complex as the history of Hungary itself. Celestial Harmonies is the intricate chronicle of this remarkable family, a saga spanning seven centuries of epic conquest, tragedy, triumph, and near annihilation. Told byPéter Esterházy, a scion of this populous clan, Celestial Harmonies is dazzling in scope and profound in implication. It is fiction at its most awe-inspiring.This P.S. edition features an extra 16 pages of insights into the book, including authorinterviews, recommended reading, and more.
    ISBN: 9780060501082
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    11 990 Ft

    10 191 Ft(15%)

  • Le Nageur

    Le Nageur

    Bánk Zsuzsa
    Kiadó: Points
    ISBN: 9782020669542
    nyelv(ek): francia
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    4 070 Ft

    3 459 Ft(15%)

  • Il Viaggiatore E Il Chiaro Di Luna

    Szerb Antal
    Kiadó: E/O
    Negli anni Trenta una coppia di Budapest parte in luna di miele per l'Italia. I due nascondono irrequietezza sotto un'apparenza borghese. Ma l'incontro con un'Italia oscura e magica spezza il loro razionale equilibrio. Lui inizia un viaggio mistico eallucinato, prima alla ricerca di un amico d'infanzia diventato monaco in un'Umbria oscura e arcaica
    ISBN: 9788866329183
    nyelv(ek): olasz
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    10 775 Ft

    9 159 Ft(15%)

  • Mémoires De Hongrie (Föld, Föld! - Francia)

    Mémoires De Hongrie (Föld, Föld! - Francia)

    Márai Sándor
    Kiadó: Le Livre De Poche
    Antifasciste avant la guerre, ® ennemi de classe ¯ sous l'cre soviétique, Sándor Márai connut avant son exil officiel vers les États-Unis un tragique exil intérieur.Rédigés vingt ans aprcs les événements évoqués, ces Mémoires composent une fresque saisissante de la Hongrie a une époque
    ISBN: 9782253082866
    nyelv(ek): francia
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    5 425 Ft

    4 611 Ft(15%)

  • Good To Be God

    Good To Be God

    Fischer Tibor
    Kiadó: Alma Books
    Tibor Fischer legújabb regényének főszereplője, a született lúzer. Tyndale Corbett egy barátjától kölcsönzött bankkártyával érkezik Miamiba, ahol nem sokáig élvezi a luxushotelek és a névtelen gazdagság előnyeit, ugyanis úgy dönt, beadja a helyieknek,hogy ő maga az Isten. A kacagtatóan mulatságos szatirikus regény Angliában és Amerikában is remek kritikákat kapott.A könyv magyar kiadása Megváltás Miamiban címen jelent meg.Using the credit card and identity of a handcuffs salesman, professional failure Tyndale Corbett arrives inMiami for a law enforcement conference to discover the joys of luxury hotels and above all the delight of being someone else, someone successful. Feeling his previous lack of success might be due to insufficient ambition, Tyndale decides on a newmoney-making scheme. He will up the ante substantially, exponentially and pretend to be someone really important and successful: God. His mission to convince the citizenry of Miami that he is, despite appearances, the Supreme Being results in him takingover the Church of the Heavily Armed Christ. His duties there involve him in forming a private army, hiring call girls, trafficking coke, issuing death threats, beating off church-jackers and sorting out (as almightily as possible) various problems hisparishioners are having with pets. All the while he is working on his grand project, the clincher miracle, dying and coming back to life
    ISBN: 9781846880841
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    3 145 Ft

    2 673 Ft(15%)

  • The Last Wolf & Herman

    The Last Wolf & Herman (Az Utolsó Farkas+Kegyelmi Viszonyok)

    Krasznahorkai László
    Kiadó: Profile Books
    In The Last Wolf, a philosophy professor is mistakenly hired to write the true tale of the last wolf of Extremadura, a barren stretch of Spain. His miserable experience is narrated in a single, rolling sentence to a patently bored bartender in a drearyBerlin bar.In Herman, a master trapper is asked to clear a forest's last 'noxious beasts.' Herman begins with great zeal, although in time he switches sides, deciding to track entirely new game... In Herman II, the same events are related from the perspective ofstrange visitors to the region, a group of hyper-sexualised aristocrats who interrupt their orgies to pitch in with the manhunt of poor Herman...These intense, perfect novellas, full of Krasznhorkai's signature sense of foreboding and dark irony, are perfect examples of his craft.
    ISBN: 9781781258149
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    3 942 Ft

    3 351 Ft(15%)

  • Halil The Pedlar A Tale of Old Stambul

    Halil The Pedlar A Tale of Old Stambul

    Jókai Mór
    Kiadó: Creatspace Independent P.
    Halil the Pedlar A Tale of Old Stambul by Mor Jokai INTRODUCTION. On September 28th, 1730, a rebellion burst forth in Stambul against Sultan Achmed III., whose cowardly hesitation to take the field against the advancing hosts of the victorious Persianshad revolted both the army and the people. The rebellion began in the camp of the Janissaries, and the ringleader was one Halil Patrona, a poor Albanian sailor-man, who after plying for a time the trade of a petty huckster had been compelled, by crime oraccident, to seek a refuge among the mercenary soldiery of the Empire. The rebellion was unexpectedly, amazingly successful. The Sultan, after vainly sacrificing his chief councillors to the fury of the mob, was himself dethroned by Halil, and Mahmud I.appointed Sultan in his stead. For the next six weeks the ex-costermonger held the destiny of the Ottoman Empire in his hands till, on November 25th, he and his chief associates were treacherously assassinated in full Divan by the secret command, andactually in the presence of, the very monarch whom he had drawn from obscurity to set upon the throne. INTRODUCTION. On September 28th, 1730, a rebellion burst forth in Stambul against Sultan Achmed III., whose cowardly hesitation to take the fieldagainst the advancing hosts of the victorious Persians had revolted both the army and the people. The rebellion began in the camp of the Janissaries, and the ringleader was one Halil Patrona, a poor Albanian sailor-man, who after plying for a time thetrade of a petty huckster had been compelled, by crime or accident, to seek a refuge among the mercenary soldiery of the Empire. The rebellion was unexpectedly, amazingly successful. The Sultan, after vainly sacrificing his chief councillors to the furyof the mob, was himself dethroned by Halil, and Mahmud I. appointed Sultan in his stead. For the next six weeks the ex-costermonger held the destiny of the Ottoman Empire in his hands till, on November 25th, he and his chief associates were treacherouslyassassinated in full Divan by the secret command, and actually in the presence of, the very monarch whom he had drawn from obscurity to set upon the throne. We are delighted to publish this classic book as part of our extensive Classic Librarycollection. Many of the books in our collection have been out of print for decades, and therefore have not been accessible to the general public. The aim of our publishing program is to facilitate rapid access to this vast reservoir of literature, andour view is that this is a significant literary work, which deserves to be brought back into print after many decades. The contents of the vast majority of titles in the Classic Library have been scanned from the original works. To ensure a high qualityproduct, each title has been meticulously hand curated by our staff. Our philosophy has been guided by a desire to provide the reader with a book that is as close as possible to ownership of the original work. We hope that you will enjoy this wonderfulclassic work, and that for you it becomes an enriching experience.
    ISBN: 9781721920983
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    3 850 Ft

    3 273 Ft(15%)

  • Via Katalin ('katalin Utca' Olasz)

    Via Katalin (Katalin Utca Olasz)

    Szabó Magda
    Kiadó: Einaudi
    ISBN: 9788806235185
    nyelv(ek): olasz
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    6 775 Ft

    5 759 Ft(15%)

  • Camp Notebook (Bori Notesz) Bilingual Poems + Original Pages

    Camp Notebook Bilingual Poems + Original Pages

    Radnóti Miklós
    Kiadó: Arc Publications
    Camp Notebook is a masterpiece in its own right, a crucial work of European verse. It is one of the greatest pieces of literature to emerge from the Holocaust, and probably the finest volume of poetry born from the horror of the Second World War.... in a tiny concealed notebook, [the poet] wrote his last and finest poems. In 1944, Radnóti was shot while being force-marched towards Germany and his body, exhumed from a ditch after the war, was identified from the notebook in his pocket. Thisnotebook, reproduced here in facsimile ... adds tremendous poignancy to Francis R. Jones's new translation. - Translation Review, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2001The clarity, directness and formal skill of Francis Jones's translations ensure that Camp Notebook joins and extends the best of the Radnóti canon in English and is part of the process of sounding the full depth of the original poems. - George Szirtes
    ISBN: 9781910345344
    nyelv(ek): angol , magyar
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    8 125 Ft

    6 906 Ft(15%)

  • Fille Des Pierres

    Fille Des Pierres

    Tormay, De Cecile
    Kiadó: Viviane Hamy
    Giacenta est trop belle. Alors le village rejette, avec sa fille, jusqu'a ce qu'elle meurt de solitude. L'adolescente pousse comme les fleurs sauvages, ses seuls complices sont la montagne et son cabri noir. Mais, pour les hommes, Jella n'est que lafille de sa mcre. Elle doit fuir. Elle franchit le ravin et rejoint l'autre c“té, ou l'attend la sécurité auprcs du vieux Pierre, le garde-barricre. Jusqu'a ce qu'André Retz arrive de la Grande Plaine... La rencontre de Jella et d'André est une histoireƒpre, un affrontement semblable a celui de la montagne et de la Puszta. Et il n'y aura pas de vainqueur.
    ISBN: 9782878582710
    nyelv(ek): francia
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    4 405 Ft

    3 744 Ft(15%)

  • Les Aventures De Kornél Esti (Esti Kornél Kalandjai-Francia)

    Les Aventures De Kornél Esti (Esti Kornél Kalandjai-Francia)

    Kosztolányi Dezső
    Kiadó: Cambourakis,Paris
    Kornl Esti, c'est le double de l'auteur, son moi secret, celui qui ose tre et faire tout ce qui est interdit Dezs Kosztolnyi. Les aventures de ce don Quichotte hongrois ont pour thtre Budapest, les grandes capitales europennes mais aussi des destinationsplus nigmatiques. Douce ironie et farces d'colier, fantastique dbrid ctoyant des impressions d'enfance et de jeunesse d'une extraordinaire fracheur, comique de l'absurde et douloureuse compassion pour la condition humaine...
    ISBN: 9782366243192
    nyelv(ek): francia
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    6 800 Ft

    5 780 Ft(15%)

  • More One Minute Stories * (Egyperces Novellák - Angol)

    More One Minute Stories * (Egyperces Novellák - Angol)

    Örkény István
    Kiadó: Corvina
    A one minute story by Örkény is an enigmatic something. It is not just short prose, it is a combination of many things, anecdote... short note, found object, tale, joke, parable, a little of everything. Örkény does not tell it, he comes out and saysit. What he writes is philosophy, but it is not abstract. sit is witty, but not convivial. Keen, lnsparing, brutal - poetic. Wry, elegant, consistent - in short, Hungarian. From time to time, the one minute stories resemble post-Auschwitz terns thatcan't be written. A sad, much suffering man, this is how I have always thought, of him at he is my contemporary. That is an Eastern-European, so ab avo, he knows a great deal. A great deal, and - ab ovo - not enough. I thought I could see all this onhis heavy, furrowed, laughing face. He died in 1979, over twenty-five years ago. This is when we are most apt to forget a writer. Örkeny is the great exception. (from the preface to more one minute stories by Péter Esterházy)
    ISBN: 9789631363074
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    2 990 Ft

    2 542 Ft(15%)

  • Just Who Does This Child Take After
    nincs raktáron

    Just Who Does This Child Take After

    Janikovszky Éva
    Kiadó: Móra Kiadó
    ISBN: 9789631186109
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: nincs raktáron

    Webes ár:

    2 290 Ft

    1 946 Ft(15%)

  • La Amante De Bolzano

    La Amante De Bolzano

    Márai Sándor
    Kiadó: Salamandra
    Dos hombres, una mujer y la huella imborrable del tiempo. La tercera obra en la que Márai aborda estos elementos universales culmina asimismo con un conmovedor duelo verbal y psicológico, de múltiples connotaciones. Y aunque en esta ocasión Márai hayaescogido un personaje histórico como Giacomo Casanova, el desarrollo de la narración deja bien claro que, más allá de su dimensión real, el famoso gentilhombre veneciano representa el arquetipo del aventurero intrépido, amoral y sin escrúpulos, unsímbolo del hombre que, en su afán por encontrar la felicidad, destruye los medios para alcanzarla.Fugitivo de la justicia, Casanova se refugia en Bolzano, ciudad donde reside la única mujer que ha amado en toda su vida. Pese a los anos transcurridos desde que perdió a Francesca en un duelo con el conde de Parma, el gran seductor nunca ha podidodesprenderse del anhelo de poseer a la otrora bellísima joven. Ahora, el destino pone en sus manos la gran ocasión de saciar su deseo insatisfecho: el conde, viejo, cansado y temeroso de perder a su mujer, que sigue enamorada de Casanova, le ofrecedinero y libertad a cambio de decepcionar a Francesca, para lo cual el cínico y superficial mujeriego deberá, en el transcurso de unas horas, realizar la actuación más difícil de su largo historial donjuanesco.
    ISBN: 9788498385847
    nyelv(ek): spanyol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    6 146 Ft

    5 224 Ft(15%)

  • Reading George Szirtes (Angol)

    Reading George Szirtes (Angol)

    Sears, John
    Kiadó: Bloodaxe Books
    George Szirtes is a leading figure in contemporary poetry in England and in Hungary, the country of his birth. His poems explore - in a wide variety of complex, skilfully handled forms - his origins, his life, and his critical engagements with works byother poets and artists. They offer
    ISBN: 9781852248147
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    4 920 Ft

    4 182 Ft(15%)

  • Battle For Budapest (100 Days In World War Ii)

    Battle For Budapest (100 Days In World War Ii)

    Ungváry Krisztián
    Kiadó: Bloomsbury
    This title is presented with a new foreword by Istvan Deak. The battle of Budapest in the bleak winter of 1944-45 was one of the longest and bloodiest city sieges of World War II. From the appearance of the first Soviet tanks on the outskirts of thecapital to the capture of Buda Castle, 102 days elapsed. In terms of human trauma, it comes second only to Stalingrad, comparisons to which were even being made by soldiers, both German and Soviet, fighting at the time. This definitive history coverstheir experiences, and those of the 800,000 non-combatants around whom the battle raged.
    ISBN: 9781350141391
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    13 295 Ft

    11 301 Ft(15%)

  • Calle Katalin ('katalin Utca' Spanyol)

    Calle Katalin ('katalin Utca' Spanyol)

    Szabó Magda
    Kiadó: Debolsillo
    Una novela sobre la nostalgia de la infancia y el destino que corren las relaciones que nacen en la infancia. Calle Katalin narra la historia de tres familias que viven en la misma calle de Budapest.Érase una vez la calle Katalin, con sus casas con vistas al Danubio y su jardín comunitario
    ISBN: 9788499088488
    nyelv(ek): spanyol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    6 450 Ft

    5 483 Ft(15%)

  • All That Still Matters At All - Selected Poems of Radnóti M.

    All That Still Matters At All - Selected Poems of Radnóti M.

    Radnóti Miklós
    Kiadó: New American Press
    Miklós Radnóti (1909-1944), whose work beautifully combines colloquial modernism with Virgilian classicism, is best known internationally as one of the great poets of the Holocaust: his final, harrowing poems were recovered from a notebook found on hisbody upon exhumation from a mass grave in 1946. But while he is certainly one of the key literary chroniclers of the Holocaust, he is also much more than that. All That Still Matters at All spans his entire output, from his carefree early love lyrics tothe increasingly urgent poems written as the clouds of fascism and war descended upon Europe to the poems composed during forced labor and the death march that finally took his life. All of his work, however, was inspired by his wife, muse and literaryexecutor, Fanni Gyarmati Radnóti, who enthusiastically endorsed these new translations by Ridland and Czipott prior to her death in 2014 at the age of 101.
    ISBN: 9780984943982
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

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  • Un Chien De Charactére (Csutora - Francia)

    Márai Sándor
    Kiadó: N/A
    ISBN: 9782253099314
    nyelv(ek): francia
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  • A Hungarian Nabob (''egy Magyar Nábob'' - Angol)

    A Hungarian Nabob (''egy Magyar Nábob'' - Angol)

    Jókai Mór
    Kiadó: Jefferson Publication
    It is nasty, dirty weather outside there on the puszta
    ISBN: 9781523837489
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

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    5 995 Ft

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  • Midst The Wild Carpathians

    Midst The Wild Carpathians

    Jókai Mór
    Kiadó: Okitoks Press
    ISBN: 9781979143059
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

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